Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December...

Hey Lovies! It's the first day of December which means there are 24 days until Christmas (YIPPPEEEE)!!!!! I've pretty much finished ALL of my Christmas shopping, plus or minus a few things, so now it's time for me to focus on ME!

I usually don't ask for much, because I think I pretty much have everything I need (good health, great family, great know...the usual) and everything else is a WANT. BUT this year all I'm asking for is the closet shown below with the shoes that too much to ask for? (Probably so, considering the shoe collection is worth well over $20,000.00...a diva can dream...sue me?!)

Well enjoy, drool, or whatever over my soon-to-be FABULOUS closet...I'm certain Santa or some other kind human being will hook a sista up!

Enjoy lovies and see ya at the TOP!
